Mental enrichment is an easy way to work your dog's brain and burn off steam that exercise alone just won't touch. Here are some easy ways to add daily brain workouts without taking up a ton of time in your schedule.

Hand Feeding - this not only builds your dog's drive to work with you but it will get you into the habit of working some obedience for 3-5 minutes each day. Grab 1/2 your dogs breakfast or dinner and practice some quick obedience or trick skills inside or outside. You can even use these meals as rewards on walks!
Long Lasting Chews - this is a "set it and forget it" option! Rhythmic chewing allows our dogs to release tensions, meditate, and relax. Find which chews your dog prefers and let them at it for 30-60 minutes. Some good options to test out: Yak Chews, Marrow Bones, Bully Sticks/Pizzle sticks, beef check chips or rolls, or collagen chews Avoid raw hide!
Scatter Feed - Let's engage your dog's seeking system! Scatter some of their food in the yard (if you have one) or in a snuffle mat or even just hidden around the house. Encourage them to use their nose to "hunt" down their meals and engage their brain!
Games *with rules* - Who doesn't love playing with their dog? Use play time to your advantage and work their brain by building in pauses to play. Playing fetch? Ask for a sit or down and wait for 5-10 seconds of calm behavior before throwing the ball. How about tug? same thing! Change up what position you ask for and how long they have to wait, the longer the break the more their brain is working.
Food Puzzles - there are tons of food puzzles on the market, or make your own! Roll some kibble in an old towel or teeshirt, use an old muffin tin with toys on top, tuck food into a paper towel roll and fold in the sides. Using their brain to "seek" their food and hunt for it will give their brain a workout during meal time.